
El Gobierno canario modifies Ley del Suelo desde “bajo”, with consultas a municipios and cabildos

El Gobierno canario modifies Ley del Suelo desde “bajo”, with consultas a municipios and cabildos

Santa Cruz de Tenerife. initiated the process with technical consultations of the cabildo and ayuntamientos.

He holder of Política Territorial responded in this way in the parliamentary committee to a question from the socialist deputy Rafael Nogales, who entrusted the Government of which “did not seek it on the occasional help of some experts”.

Manuel Miranda, who also contested another similar question of the Nationalist deputy Natalia Évora, indicated that the process of almost a year to modify the citada norm a consistedido in a técnico thing between all the administraciones in it that listened in a systematic way las difficulties planted isla por isla.

Rafael Nogales advertido de que por mucho que se cambie la ley del Suelo y se apprueben decretos en materia de vivienda, nu servirá de nada y cabildos y ayuntamientos no tienen un planamiento acquisito, y asurirado that one of the grandes fracasos of the administration there is a lack of planning plans.

The only way to achieve the objectives for a municipality to have the necessary endowments and accessible land for protected housing is to have the plan approved, but the ayuntamientos require a funding opportunity to carry out a process, expuesto el parliamentarante socialista.

El consejero a coincident en que si falta el planeamiento in an island can not be advanced and a recordado que el 8 of this month a subsidy of 2.3 million euros was approved to be able to advance with the processing of sus planes.

In addition, it recorded that the regional Government is also working on making additional planes for some municipalities and even functioning as an environmental body to restore the administrative load of some local corporations. EFE