
Action against cybercrime – Gouvernance numérique

Action against cybercrime – Gouvernance numérique

Action against cybercrime – Gouvernance numérique Convention on Cybercrime

The Convention on cybercriminality, also known as the “Budapest Convention”, is considered the most complete and most consistent international agreement on cybercriminality and electronic proofs. It serves as a guideline à tout pays, which develops a national legislation on cybercrime and a framework for international cooperation between the states parties to this treaty.

to The Budapest Convention expected:

  • the criminalization of behavior;
  • des pouvoirs procéduraux pour enquêter sur la cybercriminalité and obtain des preuves électroniques in relation to tout délit ;
  • effective international cooperation.

At the convention it is complete for one premier additional protocol relative toincrimination d’actes de nature raciste et xenophobe commis par le biases de systèmes informatiques (STE N° 189) and a deuxième additional protocol relatif au reinforcement de la cooperation et de la divulgation de preuves électroniques (STCE N° 224).

Le traité est ouvert à l’adhesion de tout pays. In effect, under Article 37, any State can become a party through “adhesion” if it is ready to implement the dispositions of the treaty. Furthermore, an État peut devenir partie par “ratification”: qu’il become partie par ratification ou par adhesion, la finalité est la même. Parties to the Convention can also become parties aux deux protocoles sans qu’il soit nécessaire to present a new application for accession.

In November 2024, 76 states were Parties to the Convention, 2 countries had signed and 18 countries had been invited to join. These États participate en tant que membres (Parties) or observers (signataires or guests) au Comité de la Convention sur la cybercriminité (T-CY).

Le T-CY (Committee de la Convention sur la cybercriminalité) evaluate, including the implementation of the Convention par les Parties, adopt des notes d’orientation or prepare des instruments juridiques supplémentaires.

Les programs de reinforcement des capacités – geres par le Office of Cybercrime Programs du Conseil de l’Europe (C-PROC) in Romania – aident les pays du monde entier à se doter des capacities necessary to put into work the Budapest Convention and ses protocoles ou pour donner suite aux recomendations du Comité de la Convention sur to cybercrime.

Tout pay can use the Cybercrime Convention like a hotline, a checklist or a model law and a big name between fonts already. Parties to the convention may sign and ratify Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention, which provides additional and accelerated tools to strengthen cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence. ; Les Parties sont membres du T-CY et partagent des information and experiences, evaluate the implementation of the Convention, or interpret the Convention through guidance notes; each Member State is able to participate in the negotiation of futures instruments and the evolution of the Convention; les Parties à la Convention s’engagent les unes with the other in a reliable and effective cooperation.

En outre, les private sector entities are also amenable to cooperation with the criminal justice authorities of the parties to the convention, as the parties must have a national legal framework on cybercrime and electronic evidence, which also includes the guarantees of Article 15.

En outre, les États qui demandent à adhérer or qui ont adhérer pot devenir des pays prioritaires pour les capacity building programs. This assistance technique facilitates the whole stake of the Convention’s work and strengthens the capacity for international cooperation.

Action against cybercrime – Gouvernance numérique Le premiere additional protocol

Le Premier Protocole addendum relativ à l’incrimination d’actes de nature raciste et xénophobe commis par le biases de systèmes informatiques (STE N° 189) involves an extension of the scope of application of the Convention on cybercrime, and includes its dispositions matérielles, procedurales and de cooperation internationale, in order to open and crimes of racist or xenophobic propaganda. Thus, harmonizing the material law elements of this type of behavior, the protocol aims to improve the capacity of the parties to use the means and ways of international cooperation provided by the convention in this field.

The advantages for signatories are numerous:

  • A solid legal framework pour lutter contre la xénophobia et le racisme dans le cyberspace en providing a set of clear guidelines for investigations and prosecutions relative to these crimes.
  • Reinforcement from international cooperation in the investigations and prosecutions relating to crimes related to xenophobia and racism online, which is particularly important given the cross-border nature of many of these offences.
  • A protection is often accumulated victimes de la xénophobie et du racisme en ligne, et des mesures efficaces pour veiller à ce who have the opportunity to access justice and beneficiary d’un soutien.
  • the best awareness et éducation aux méfaits des actes xénophobes et racistes commis par le biases de systèmes informatiques. En outre, the protocol encourages the implementation of measures aimed at preventing these forms of clothing.

Le Premier Additional Protocols a été ouvert à la signature la 23 janvier 2023. In November 2024, 10 states l’avaient signé et 36 États au total and had adhéré.

Action against cybercrime – Gouvernance numérique Le deuxième additional protocol

Given the proliferation of cybercriminality and the increasing complexity of obtaining electronic evidence that can be stored in foreign, multiple, moving, or unknown jurisdictions, the powers of the police are limited by territorial borders. Therefore, seule une très petite partie de la cybercriminalité signalé aux autorités de justice pénale donne lieu à des décisions de justice. Answer, the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime (CETS 224) provides a the legal basis for the disclosure of information related to the registration of domain names and direct cooperation with service providers to obtain information about the best.des moyens efficaces pour obtenir des informations sur les abonnés et des data relatives au trafic, une coopération immédiate en cas d’urgence, des outils d’assistance mutuelle, ainsi que des guarantees in the field of personal data protection.

Les principales caractéristiques du protocol sont, entre autres, la request direct aux bureaux d’enregistrement d’autres jurisdictions d’obtain des informations sur l’enregistrement des noms de domaine; to direct cooperation with the service providers of other jurisdictions in order to obtain information on the subscribers; cooperation between governments and rapid cooperation in emergency situations; conjoint investigation teams and conjoint investigations.

Le Deuxième Additional Protocol opened for signature on May 12, 2022. In November 2024, 47 States signed and 2 States ratified.