
Ante Trump: Social Cohesion | He Universal

Ante Trump: Social Cohesion | He Universal

He Trump’s victory presagia malos augurios para México, they cannot be minimized. Somos el fusible más accesible, valuable and low cost, ante todo type de political needs interned, totally alienated from us and reality. Ante ello, la respuesta lógica es unirnos.

Pero la unidad va más allá de buenos deseos y poses patrioteras. Get involved in bandera and proclaimmas es osare un extraño enemigo”es muy afin a la narrativa actual, but it turns out ephemero and little useful. Deep cohesive factors are required. The political discourse is getting tired and the economy is breaking down and the social deterioration is getting worse. Yes that is exactly what can happen.

To the experience from european union results relevant to extraer alguna lección for this moment in nuestro país. La unión de Europa surges pese of an interminable history of wars and rivalries por siglos. It was built with the base in tendencias profundas de unity: la defensa común frente a la Soviet threatto the majoritarian consciousness that should avoid the regression of totalitarianism by adhering to liberal democracy and the rule of law and the need to generate social cohesion con la construcción de estados de bienestar, basados ​​​​en derechos.

The cohesion that supports the European Union is considered three the dimensions: economic, social y territory. You aim to survive inequalities between territories and people, from a piso guaranteed by social rights through the impulse of economic growth.

La política de cohesion has large funds in the common budget of the European Union: El Fondo Social que combate el desempleo and fosters social integration through access to work. He Regional Development Fund que financiala inversiones to correct regional imbalances. El Fondo de Cohesión for environmental and inter-European transport measures. Y el Fondo de Transición Justa (to reduce CO2 emissions).

The social cohesion policy has one “tablero de indicatorses” that the purpose and objectives are transparent. The Laeken indicators monitor exclusion and inequality: población con bajo ingreso (poverty) and distribución del ingreso; he unemployed; la deserción escolar y el bajo perfomance educativo; la esperanza de vida; at the migrant employment gap.

In Latin America, social cohesion and meditation have incorporated, in addition to previous indicators of citizen participation, democratic institutionalismcitizen security and values ​​of social coexistence. Esto is more relevant in the Mexican context.

It is commonplace to say that the crisis opens up opportunities. In this case, it is valid: Trump’s threat opens up the opportunity to unite, but seriously, with social cohesion, with agreements to reduce and overcome structural inequality.

Requiere altura de miras and overcomes induced polarization. La corelación de forces in he Congreso will not change in 3 years (a más), then it is worth pausing, dialogue and concert with society, up multiple organized expressionsincluding the business sector, but also the rest of the actors. Interlocución with la is not even required political opposition. Finally, at the majority que hoy gobierna will make the decisions by voting. No pierden nada y pueden ganar mucho and aren’t spaces for diversificado y amplio social dialogue.

With the explicit aim of reducing inequality, agreements can be reached on fiscal reform progressive, salary increase y poverty reductionuniversal health system, care system, inclusive economic growth and many progressive measures más. Y por si fuera poco, se can resist a los embates del trumpismo.

International consultant in social programs.


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