
Azcón reclama en Bruselas que la despoblación influenya in el reparto de fundos europeos

Azcón reclama en Bruselas que la despoblación influenya in el reparto de fundos europeos

The president of the Gobierno de Aragón, Jorge Azcón, intervened jueves in pleno del Comité de las Regiones participating in the dialogue “Debate sobre una politica de cohesion after de 2027 renovated que no deje a nimeni en ago”. He focused his speech on the new Politics of Cohesión post-2027 and defended that have been a “decisive impacto” in Aragón, requesting correction factors appropriate to the demographic and structural reality of the Community and many European regions.

“Estos funds were essential for Aragón to be a more cohesive, innovative and future-ready region. However, it is necessary to include factors that adequately reflect the demographic and structural reality of Aragón and other European regions, such as demographic density, population dispersion and the absence of medium-sized cities,” he requested.

In his speech, he emphasized that the Cohesion Funds, such as Feder, Eafder, FSE+ or Interreg, were “esenciales para que Aragón is a more cohesive, innovative and future-ready region“. Sin embargo, he believes that these factors are not adequate “impediría a noastra Comunidad el justo access to funds in comparison with regions of the center of Europe, with a slightly lower GDP per capita, but without problems of depopulation”.

El lider del Ejecutivo also intervenía as portavoz de EURegiones4cohesion, the initiative that represents the interests of 137 regions of the EU member states regarding the future cohesion policy from 2027, among those in Aragón. We have called for three ‘essential’ demands for cohesion policy post-2027: “An accurate coverage of all regions, an adequate budget to deal with current and future ones and to strengthen the dialogue between the European Commission and the regions.“.

So I argued that cohesion policy must “respect a territorial approach based on the particularity of each region”, defendiendo que los gobiernos regionales know “mejor las necessidades specifices” and a centralista encuadre would be a “mistake”. Ha abogado for a budget agreement, which increases in other strategic areas for the European Union, “but not to cost from the razón de ser from Unión Europea, to Cohesión”. In addition, it positively assessed the proposal to appoint a Cohesion and Reforms Vice-President for it, so as to strengthen the strengthened dialogue between the Commission and the European regions.